Meet Zolo

Team CarePal's Newest Team Member

Family Caregivers are overwhelmed and often lack the time and capacity to go searching for resources.

Zolo reduces stress by taking the family caregivers demographic and location information from Team CarePal app, and provides customized suggestions based on their latest burnout  assessment score (Caregiver Burnout Inventory Tool).

Zolo pulls from Team CarePal’s internal comprehensive, Canada wide database containing organizations and documents on caregiving best practices.

Zolo has been trained to provide empathetic support and remove the burden of searching for answers, so Family Caregivers can focus on what matters most.

Add your organization to Zolo’s Database:

Zolo uses the database to provide custom resources to caregivers. 

On the bottom right of this screen, you will see a mini version of me. Click on it. 

Happy chatting!

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