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Questions to ask Caregivers During an Interview

Hiring an in-home, professional caregiver can be a daunting task. You want — and need — the help, but you might be reluctant to hand the reins over to a total stranger. It’s understandable. However, a comprehensive set of questions to ask caregivers during an interview will help to smooth the path.

No doubt, you want to find someone who is experienced, reliable, patient, compassionate, and resilient. They should also love caregiving — it’s not just a paycheque — and accept the challenges and pitfalls. Ideally, you also want them to feel like a part of your family.

Here, you will find a list of questions to ask caregivers in an interview. As continuity of care matters so much for your loved one, it’s important to be thorough, no matter how stressful. A little more stress now during this stage can help to prevent more stress later if you don’t hire the right caregiver.


Categories of Interview Questions

Interview questions can be broken down into several categories. These help to provide a well-rounded knowledge of your candidates so you can better assess them. Here are some common interview categories:

A photo of a resume
  • Educational or Certification
  • Previous Experience
  • Industry or Profession Knowledge (e.g., most important role of a caregiver, or common caregiver challenges)
  • Goals, Values, or Attitude (e.g., why they applied, expectations of the job, most like about being a caregiver, compensation expected, strengths and weaknesses)
  • Behavioural (including leadership, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, prioritizing, and decision making)
  • Opinion
  • Nonsense or ice-breakers (what type of animal would you be, the best book you ever read)

30 Questions to Ask In-home Caregiver Candidates

  1. Why did you become a caregiver?
  2. Tell me a bit about your training?
  3. What makes you a good caregiver?
  4. What specific skills make you the best caregiver for this job?
  5. What is the most rewarding aspect of being a caregiver?
  6. Why are you leaving your current job?
  7. Why have you not been employed for (period of time)?
  8. Do you have reliable transportation?
  9. Are you available to work the hours of this job?
  10. What would you do if you could not arrive on time or had to leave early?
  11. What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as a caregiver?
  12. What types of medical conditions or disabilities have you cared for before?
  13. What are your certifications to work with dementia patients?
  14. Do you have experience administering intravenous medications?
  15. How comfortable are you providing hygiene care?
  16. How would you manage a client who is prone to wandering off?
  17. My loved one has (a particular medical or disability problem). How would you manage it?
  18. My loved one can be difficult or sometimes rude or stubborn. How would you handle it?
  19. How do you respond to multiple challenges that happen at the same time?
  20. How do you cope with downtime during the day?
  21. Are you comfortable running errands for your clients?
  22. What activities have you done for your client’s health and wellness?
  23. Can you provide nutritious meals that meet my loved one’s needs?
  24. Do you have experience keeping medical records?
  25. What types of clients do you prefer to work with?
  26. What are you most looking for in a work situation?
  27. Can you describe a particularly bad caregiving situation you encountered and how you handled it?
  28. What are the most important lessons you have learned form your past experiences?
  29. How would your previous clients describe you as a caregiver?
  30. How have you kept your previous employers informed about your daily caregiving?
  31. What do you most need from me (or my loved one) to do your job well?
  32. I use an app to organize my loved one’s care. Would you be willing to download it and use it?
  33. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  34. What salary and benefits do you expect?
  35. What are the best ways to reach you?

Tips to Conduct Your Interview

  • Start on time and be welcoming.
  • Set a time limit and stick to it.
  • Ask open and closed questions.
  • Stay focused on the purpose and the information you want to get.
  • Allow the candidate to speak and do not interrupt.
  • Be an active listener.
  • Be in control and don’t pass judgment.
  • Do not ask about family or marital status, religion, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or financial status. If the job involves lifting, you can ask about their ability to lift heavy weights, but not about their health in general.
  • Be cordial and polite throughout.
  • Thank the candidate and let them know when you will make your decision.

Caregiver Interview Questions Have Many Benefits

A photo of a person helping an aging person

With the questions to ask caregivers during an interview listed here, you are well on your way to finding the best person for your family’s needs. However, you can also bring your own experience as a family caregiver to the questions and use them to really home in on your loved one’s most important needs.

They will also help you to start getting in the mindset of how to adjust and organize your life around the in-home caregiver and to set new caregiving goals and expectations. Consider it an exercise in learning to let go.

Author: Owner

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