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Caregiver Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies

Introduction: Caring for a loved one can be a deeply fulfilling experience, but it can also take a toll on the caregiver’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Caregiver strain, also known as caregiver burnout, is a common phenomenon that affects many individuals who devote themselves to the care of others. In this blog post, we will […]

Recognizing And Supporting Caregivers Positively Affects Canada.

In Canada, family caregivers play a critical role in providing care to loved ones who are ill, elderly or disabled. These caregivers provide a range of services including personal care, transportation, medical care, emotional support and more. In fact, caregivers spend 5.7 billion hours supporting others every year, valued at $97.1B Despite this critical role, family caregivers often go unrecognized and […]

Contribution of Young Carers and Who Are They?

Nearly eight million Canadians ages 15 and older are caregivers for a family member or friend. Like many other caregivers of any age, they provide this support out of love, compassion, and a sense of responsibility. However, their contributions, experiences and needs are often overlooked in conversations about caregiving in this country. Some refer to […]

Why You Should Set Caregiver Goals (and 10 Goals Worth Making)

Whenever a new year arrives, it’s natural to get into “resolution” mode. You start thinking about what you want to achieve and you might even start committing to paper a plan to reach those achievements. Whether you consider them resolutions or goals, one thing is for sure: As a caregiver, you should definitely be setting […]

Importance of Patient Participation or Patient-centered Care

Caregivers and their care recipients rely on provincial healthcare systems and organizations more than other Canadians. For some, their daily lives can seem like a never-ending sequence of shuffling back and forth between different health and caregiving professionals.  Patient-centered care can help your loved one and you navigate the care system more easily. While there has […]

Lessons Learned from Caregivers: A Roundup from Around the Web

When you become a caregiver, learning from others plays a critical part in how effective you will be. It provides insight into challenges you’re likely to encounter and much-needed solutions or perspectives. In the end, it all benefits your loved one’s health and well-being, as well as your relationship with each other. Caregiving books, websites, […]

How Ready Are You to Be a Caregiver?

   How Ready Are You to Be a Caregiver? Although there are nearly one million caregivers in Alberta, the increasingly aging population guarantees that number will surge in the coming years. So, the odds that you will become a caregiver are high. However, most of us are not ready to take on this challenging role. […]

Why It’s Important to Identify as a Caregiver

    Why It’s Important to Identify as a Caregiver So, you think you are a caregiver, but do you really identify as one? A study revealed that just 42 percent of caregivers self-identified. Thirty-five percent of them did not comprehend they were caregivers until someone explained the role to them. Even more concerning, 24 percent […]

Mental Health and Caregiving

   Mental Health and Caregiving More than 25 percent of caregivers report experiencing some form of psychological or emotional distress, according to Statistics Canada. It’s a reality that is making mental health and caregiving a priority at all levels of society. While any caregiver can be susceptible to the mental health consequences of caregiving — especially burnout — […]