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30 Ways to Cope with Caregiving in Winter

Cold temperatures, snow, ice and longer dark hours present different challenges for caregivers and their loved ones. Add flu season and the lingering Covid 19 pandemic to the mix, and winter has the potential to become even more of a threat. It’s essential to be prepared to tackle the season head-on as an effective caregiver. Here are […]

The Pros and Cons of Caregiver IDs

One of the biggest concerns for family caregivers is feeling overlooked, demeaned, or dismissed in care settings. While they often have first-hand knowledge of their loved ones’ needs, they find that their contributions to care discussions are not valued. The good news is that there is growing awareness of the need to include family caregivers […]

5 Books Every Caregiver Should Read

   5 Books Every Caregiver Should Read Whether you are a new caregiver or you have been one for a while, resources on caregiving are invaluable. In the beginning, you can feel like you’ve been thrown in at the deep end. The demands can be huge and seemingly endless, and the stakes are high. As […]