Company Information:


Team CarePal

Contact Person Name

Email Address:


Physical Address:

2955 Coughlan Green SW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6W 3X6

Is your company a for:

Number of Employees:


Types of Services Offered:

Health Condition / Disease Specific, Health Related Needs, Isolation, Palliative Care, Respite, Self-Care, and Stress & Mental Health

Point of Contact:

Name of Individual:

Cindy Sim

Job Title:


Email Address:

LinkedIn Profile:

Brief Description Organization

Team CarePal is an app for caregivers and their family to come together to manage the care for their loved one together. It is a hub for communicating, scheduling, delegating, and tracking all aspects of care helping caregivers stay organized. In the app, caregivers are connected with resources and organizations to help with their caregiving journey. Team CarePal just recently launched an AI chatbot called ‘Zolo’ that is a caregivers best friend when it comes to getting advice and looking for support. This app is a must if you are caring for a loved one. You can download it from the app stores or go to their website to learn more.

Are there fees or at no cost?


Who is eligible to use your service?

Anyone looking after a loved one with an illness, disability or frailty.

Are you affiliated with a professional association?
